Hayley Turner has undergone successful surgery on her broken ankle, but faces a long battle to return to the saddle this season.
Turner was unseated from Rose Aurora on the way to the start at Bath on Wednesday and was initially thought to have escaped serious injury. But having gone to Bath's Royal United Hospital, an X-ray showed she suffered a broken left ankle.

Her agent Guy Jewell said: "I've spoken briefly to Hayley and she's had the operation and is comfortable. I think she'll see the doctor again in the morning when he's on his rounds and then I'd imagine she'll be on her way home tomorrow morning or tomorrow afternoon."
Jewell continued: "I think she'll be out for six to eight weeks, although sportsmen and women are usually back quicker than the norm.
"You would imagine France and Margot Did (Prix de l'Abbaye, October 2) would come too soon, unfortunately.
"Her first priority is to get back fit and then we'll start looking for a target."