Monday 31 August 2009

It`s On...Bring Me A Sticky Toffee Pudding Back Please

This afternoon's meeting at Cartmel will go ahead as scheduled after the track passed a 7.30am inspection.

An unfavourable forecast prompted clerk of the course Anthea Morshead to announce an early check and although the the track has been hit by a substantial amount of rain, officials are happy to give the card the green light.

Morshead said: "We have had 24 millimetres of rain in the last 24 hours, but the rain sheets that we have put out have saved the day. The majority of the ground is heavy, we'll miss the last two fences on the woodside and we've pushed both bends very wide so they are on completely fresh ground."

She added: "The forecast for this morning is largely dry and while there is a risk of rain coming in this afternoon, there is some doubt about the arrival time. Obviously we can't call off the meeting for what might come so racing goes ahead.

"The ground staff have done a huge amount of work and thank god it has paid off."