The families of young jockeys Jamie Kyne and Jan Wilson, who were killed in a fire in a block of flats in Norton, North Yorkshire, last September, have issued a statement after Peter Brown was found guilty of manslaughter.
Father-of-one Brown, who is originally from the Aberdeen area, did not give evidence in his trial, which lasted just over a fortnight. Throughout the proceedings, he sat in the dock flanked by a security guard, occasionally making notes on an A4 pad.
The statement said: "Peter Brown has robbed us of two wonderfully young people who had so much to live for.
"When Jan and Jamie died, a part of each one of us died with them.
"He has left us all shattered and our lives will never be the same again. We are pleased that he has now been held accountable for the devastating events of last September, however no punishment will ever bring Jan and Jamie back.
"They have both been denied a great future and lifestyle in a sport they loved so much and had triumphed in. Brown may have taken away Jan and Jamie but he cannot take away our memories.
"We would like to thank everyone involved in bringing the case to trial and ensuring that justice was done for Jan and Jamie. Our thanks go to everyone who has helped and supported us through the past eight months, in particular the Injured Jockeys Fund.
"We must now try to rebuild lives and ensure the memories of Jan and Jamie live on."